Welcome to Defog the Blog!

Here is a working site helping folks learn to start swimming in the sea of blogs.


Agenda for Last Class... :o(

1. We will review what we have done up to this point.
-The relationship of your blog to the rest of your project,..how you can bring the money to you.

2. We will review blogs of classes past. and then we will add and review the blogs of you. The Blogs of the Class present and Future...

3. Lets review The How to's : Adding a picture, link, tag, video, gadget, add Adsense ads  add a Amazon widget!

We will take a break. 

4. We will focus on finding your Tribe...We will take a field trip to Technorati and have you register with Technorati. Click on the Technorati Blog Directory. .See if you can find the topic(s) of your blog.

4. Parting Shot ....Look at this post to this Hilarious blog


Writing strategies

here's that topic map from ProBlogger to help organize thoughts for posting topics...
Go to the ProBlogger archive on starting a new blog.
Info on using Mind Map;

and this site is helpful as well. 